Health Benefits of Mullein Leaf Extract

Health Benefits of Mullein Leaf Extract

Mullein Extract, & its Beneficial Effect on the Lungs 

Respiratory diseases affect millions of people worldwide, costing billions of dollars for treatment each year. The Mullein plant can help remedy these lung-related conditions. Mullein is a biennial plant that commonly grows in America. Its scientific name is Verbascum thapsus and has an illustrious history. Mullein is used as a herbal medicine to treat different diseases, especially for the cure of respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, coughs, and other lung bacterial infections. (Riaz et al., 2013). Powder and infusion prepared by Mullein extract are used in capsule form and taken orally. It is also extracted from the flower, and a few drops of oil are used to treat lung disease, which has proven to be very effective. Mullein extract helps in the healing process. People in America mostly use the Mullein extract in dried form, helping to relax the lungs and decrease uncomfortable cough situations resulting in easy breathing. 

Respiratory diseases are caused by Allergens, food, and weight cause, among other reasons, which affect the flow of air in the lungs and decrease oxygen transport to the body's cells. Bronchi muscles contract, and the excess mucus production causes inflammation in the cells (Ghassab et al., 2019). Different pharmaceutical drugs are used to treat respiratory problems, but they have potential side effects and may cause the threat of other diseases. Treatment of respiratory illnesses by Mullein is helpful for lungs without having any side effects. Mullein helps to release mucus from lungs and relax bronchial tubes by decreasing inflammation. The highest concentrations of saponin, fats, carbohydrates, terpenoids, protein, flavonoids, and tannins are present in Mullein. Thus, the bioactive compounds in Mullein show that it has beneficial effects on the lungs and proves as an invaluable cure for respiratory diseases (Dar et al., 2019). The flower and extract have characteristics like an expectorant and astringent, full of saponins that have powerful, beneficial effects on respiration. In addition, they have congestion expelling properties for lungs due to the presence of mucilage coverings. Research shows that Mullein acts as a cross for cough, as well as flu and sinusitis. Another bioactive compound known as saponin present in Mullein has antiviral characteristics that increase the effectiveness against influenza and other diseases caused by viruses in the lungs. 

Relief from the terrible effects of smoking is another area that Mullein has proven valuable. When a smoker quits smoking, Mullein removes toxins from the lungs; inhaling its extract from the steam helps remove the tar accumulated in the lungs due to the smoking. It also cleans up the bronchial tubes and strengthens the lungs (Suleria and Barrow, 2019). In vitro studies have shown that Mullein exhibits antimicrobial properties. Some microbes, such as Klebsiella pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus, act as human pathogens and affect the lungs. They damaged the tubercular cells, epidermis, and epidermal cells of the lungs. Mullein drops provide as effective against treating such infections caused by the microbial agents in the lungs. The anthelmintic function of Mullein helped to decrease the death rate that was caused due to lung diseases. There is still not a precise dosage of this herb. But traditional data about it suggest that three to four grams of its leaves or flowers should be used daily (Mohammadi et al., 2019)


Dar, M. A., Bhat, M. F., Hassan, R., Masoodi, M. H., Mir, S. R., & Mohiuddin, R. (2019). Extensive Phytochemistry, Comprehensive Traditional Uses, and Critical Pharmacological Profile of the Great Mullein: Verbascum thapsus L. The Natural Products Journal, 9(3), 158-171. 

Ghassab-Abdollahi, N., Oskouei, B. S., Asgharian, P., Jahanshahi, A., & Farshbaf- Khalili, A. (2019). The effect of Mullein capsule on uterine leiomyomas volume and the amount of menstrual bleeding: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 100317. 

Mohammadi, K. P., Glassmeyer, S. R., Nunes, R. V., & Gilliland, J. E. (2019). U.S. Patent No. 10,227,729. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 

Riaz, M., Zia-Ul-Haq, M., & Jaafar, H. Z. (2013). Common mullein, pharmacological and chemical aspects. Revista brasileira de farmacognosia, 23(6), 948-959. 

Suleria, H. A. R., & Barrow, C. (Eds.). (2019). Bioactive Compounds from Plant 

Origin: Extraction, Applications, and Potential Health Benefits. CRC Press.

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